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Passionate about helping you unlock your strengths and action your values

As a coach of international students for many years I have a deep understanding of the barriers we hold within ourselves, barriers to self-expression, to growth, and to claiming our part in making a difference. I have a wealth of experience in helping people turn around their mindsets and so in turn become effective communicators in touch with their values able to find new courage in many aspects of life, and to pass the interview for their dream job.


And able to succeed in that dream job.


I ran the highly successful CEC grant funded 'All About Me' programme in several secondary schools in Devon in areas of high deprivation connecting schools with employers and coaching the young people in delivering their own self-introduction. Currently assisting an Exeter charity to achieve the same progress and growth with their young people.


If you are looking for a programme or interventions for any young people in your life or  for your staff do contact me. I can't wait to meet you! 




Tess is a very patient and attentive coach who has given me the confidence to make great progress and has helped me to    move from a lack of direction to slowly trying to step out of my comfort zone, for example by encouraging me to apply for school society committees, which I would never have wanted to do before, but this chance did give me plenty of                    opportunity to build my skills. I could feel my confidence being built up gradually as I was given a lot of useful advice on    various aspects of my social and skills development, such as information on various volunteering opportunities, various    useful tools as well as taking me through a lot of the questions I needed to prepare for job interviews. I am very grateful     for the encouragement she gave me, it has really helped me grow.                                          International student, May 2023


Impact report from 'All About Me' programme


Student feedback

I learned to understand my own strengths and skills and use positive language.                     It’s OK to be awkward                                       That starting from nothing doesn’t mean that things will stay that way    To think more about others and be ready for the future ahead of me.                                    That I have skills, talents I didn’t know                         My problems don’t define me                                                               


Staff feedback

“Thank you for a fabulous programme! “Absolutely brilliant, it’s been a resounding success! Career Lead, St Cuthbery Mayne Secondary School, Paignton.                                                                                                                                                                                        


“I was really amazed that nearly every student got up and gave their self-introduction. I was not expecting that at all.”  Career Lead, St James Secondary School, Exeter                                                                                                                                                                   


"Thank you for running the programme. This has been a unique and really valuable experience for our young people." Career Lead, Dawlish       Academy, Dawlish                                                                                                                                                                          


Key Feedback Statistics

  • 636 student feedback forms                                                                                                                                  

  • 100% of staff reported the programme helped the students                                               

  • 100% of staff keen to repeat the programme for years 7-11                                                

  • 100% of coaches interested in re-engaging with the programme                                        

  • 97% positive student feedback words eg informative, helpful, eye-opening                          

  • 3% negative student feedback words eg challenging, daunting, scary                                  

  • 82% of students said the programme helped them understand their strengths and skills      

  • Almost all students gave a short self-introduction to their class and employer                     


Key Aims of the programme

  1. To enable young people to identify and articulate their strengths, their skills and their values in positive language to adults.          

  2. To enable young people to understand this is an important life and work skill to help them succeed in what they want to achieve. 

  3. To increase levels of confidence, positive thinking, attitude and self-awareness.                                                                       

  4. To enable young people to present to an audience.                                                                                                               




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